Shared Agent Solution

In the realm of business, expanding companies encounter distinct hurdles, and one of these obstacles revolves around managing a growing influx of incoming phone calls. For businesses operating on a tight budget and finding it challenging to rationalize the cost of an outsourced, dedicated call center team, opting for a shared customer experience agent might present the perfect resolution.

The Corp. Haven offers cost-effective shared agent solutions designed to alleviate the challenges faced by growing businesses. Our solutions not only deliver substantial cost savings but also enable companies to allocate staff to manage various client needs. We understand the complexities that shared agents encounter, such as juggling diverse client demands and knowledge requirements. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive strategy to address these challenges head-on. Our innovative approach ensures that you only pay for the actual time your outsourced staff spends interacting with your customers, effectively mitigating cost concerns.

Our shared customer experience agents are readily available to handle a wide range of tasks as required. Whether it’s responding to product inquiries, processing orders, managing emails, or engaging in live chats, our shared agents are versatile and at your service. They offer unmatched flexibility, being accessible whenever you need them.

Furthermore, our shared inbound call center service is tailored with your return on investment (ROI) in mind. We cater to diverse businesses in both the B2B and B2C sectors, including e-commerce, consumer goods, services, and healthcare. Companies choose us for the unparalleled flexibility and savings our service provides. This is where The Corp. Haven sets itself apart.

Our shared agents aren’t confined to regular business hours; they’re available after hours and on weekends, extending coverage to meet your specific requirements. During peak seasons or periods of high call volumes, we ensure that there’s always an agent ready to address your needs. We operate on a 24/7/365 basis, ensuring your business never experiences a lapse in customer service.

At The Corp. Haven, we employ custom-built software and a secure infrastructure to deliver a seamless customer experience. We offer a multi-channel approach, allowing your customers to communicate with our agents through various channels, ensuring they enjoy top-notch call experiences.

Discover the difference with The Corp. Haven. Take the first step toward optimizing your business operations and enhancing your customer experience with our adaptable, budget-friendly shared agent solutions. Reach out to us today, and let’s initiate a discussion on how we can assist you in achieving your business objectives.

Where to Start?

To determine if a shared agent solution is the right fit for your business, the initial step involves assessing your call volume and call types.

To gauge the monthly influx of inbound calls your company receives, generate call data reports. Analyze call arrival patterns, identifying the times of day or week with the highest call volume. Additionally, pinpoint any seasonal spikes in call volume.

When evaluating call types, the first query to address should revolve around the nature of inbound calls you anticipate. Identify which transactions necessitate call center services the most. Are these related to order-taking, live chat support, or similar functions? Also, consider whether you intend to grant your shared agents access to your website while performing their tasks.

Shared call center models typically prove advantageous for companies seeking assistance with straightforward calls and dealing with lighter call volumes that remain cost-effective. Share your specific requirements with us, and we’ll provide a thorough assessment to determine the most suitable model for your needs. Feel free to reach out to us via email.

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